Competition & Sponsorship
VBlock Custom Design is a long-time supporter of LIfeguard Competitions both within British Columbia, but also nationwide. We are proud to provide equipment and prizes to many of Branch’s annual competitions.
BC & Yukon Barnsley Lifeguard Championship
Langley Lifeguard Competition
2005 Canadian Lifeguard Championships
Other Competitions Supported:
Coquitlam Lifeguard Competition
Splashdown Waterpark Lifeguard Competition
Teams Sponsored
Flip Flops (2007-Present)
With over 25 years of combined experience, the “Flip Flops” from Coquitlam are one of BC’s top competitive lifeguarding teams. VBlock is proud to supply equipment and support to the team,
- BC Circuit Champions (2007, 2010)
- GVRD Regional Champions (2009, 2010)
Team H.E.L.P. (2003-2005)
2-time Branch champions, competitive lifeguard team, H.E.L.P., from Langley, BC proudly pose with VBock product. Pictured with coveted Barnsley Shield awarded to top team
- Canadian Lifeguard Championships – Gold Medal in First Aid (2005)
- BC & Yukon Branch Champions (2003, 2004)
- BC Circuit Championships: (2002, 2003)
V-Block Rescue 3 (1996-1999)
2003 & 2004 BC & Yukon Branch Champions.
Team V-Block Rescue pictured with the coveted Barnsley Shield. VBlock Rescue 3 dominated the local competition scene for 2 years before bringing the VBlock name across the country at various National championships.