VBlock Custom Design Incorporated was formed in 1989 by Victor Rasmussen to meet the need for quality products used in pool safety and search and rescue operations. As a lifeguard for 20 years, Victor had first hand experience in pool needs, concerns, and safety issues. His training in first aid, CPR and his involvement in urban search and rescue lead him to start the VBlock Custom Design company in 1989. Drawing on this experience, he designs and manufacturers the high quality, durable spineboards that carry the VBlock name. Attention to detail, functionality, flexibility and endurance are all qualities shared by the VBlock product line.

The spineboards, in both adult, child and bariatric sizes, are made of incredibly durable space-age plastics. They are non-abrasive, light, hypo-allergenic with customizable fastening points to fit any body size. The liberal use of Velcro allows quick adjustments and secure binding when transporting patients. The boards are water-proof and float to assist in securing and moving an injured person in the water.

  • VBlocks used to immobilize the head and neck during transport
  • Head Straps and Transport Straps used to help hold the VBlock securely in place so the head doesn’t move
  • Body Strap for securing the entire body for transport
  • Mounting Bracket designed for storing the VBlock spineboard when not in use
  • Sand Bags to secure injured parts of the patient other than the head and neck
  • Beavertails available in solid or soft formats, are used with the VBlock spineboards to assist in controlling and stabilizing the head of the board